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Monday, May 27, 2013

My favorite Tumblr porn

My dirty little secret is that sometimes I'd actually rather look at lingerie than sex photos. And by sometimes, I mean most of the time. I'm trying to purge myself of all the ridiculous assumptions I've absorbed about "how to be a sex writer," because I'm not a sex writer, I'm just a writer, but still, ever since I left the road to a "respectable" career and fell into one that even I whisper about and evade (like when the doctor the other day asked what I write about and I said "dating and relationships, books, pop culture," which is true, but not, you know, the whole truth), I've had to reckon with the disparity of how not depraved I actually am, most of the time (I'm depraved when the situation warrants it). Sortof like for fun I read YA and cozy mysteries because I read smut all the time for work, though I am always on the lookout for a good juicy novel of any genre. I guess it's my own silliness that's even inspiring a disclaimer, but it's true. I packed a box of VHS and DVD porn because I was afraid to throw it away in Brooklyn. Some of the VHS tapes I actually want to watch but have no means to, so I'll just keep them as souvenirs, probably until my next move, unless I somehow come to own a VCR. My point being, I'm in now way a regular porn watcher, although the DVDs I bought at the Feminist Porn Conference I do plan to check out. But I do have a few naked photo Tumblrs I follow and I shared my favorite Tumblr porn at Salon and also my favorite non-porn but pretty photos Tumblr The Lingerie Addict, which recently featured this photo below, of a dress from Uturn Utopia.


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