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Monday, October 20, 2008

In The Flesh snapshot

Oral Sex Night at In The Flesh Erotic Reading Series

You can see more photos from last week's In The Flesh by Stacie Joy in this Flickr set.

It was fabulous - I estimate 80 people showed up to hear everyone read about oral sex. We'll have video soon. I was impressed with all our readers, and am so honored that people like Donna George Storey, Emerald and Fiona Zedde traveled from out of town. I was thrilled that the bookseller from Mobile Libris had such a good time he wants to come back. Extra huge thanks to Stacie and Desiree for handling all the goodie and snack passing out (Desiree made super cute plates with Krispy Kreme donuts as the centerpiece; I hope someone got a photo of that). I will definitely be getting Krispy Kreme again in addition to the usual cupcakes, candy, and chips!

Thank you to all! I'm working on drink specials and sponsors for November 20th's big 3 year anniversary party, so stay tuned, you don't want to miss it!

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