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Monday, July 07, 2008

Read my spanking erotica interview with Teresa Noelle Roberts

Hey, guess what? Amid the recent doom and gloom, there is some happy news. I have a new book (almost) out! It's supposedly being shipped to me right now, so should be in my hands this week, in bookstores next week, in time for July 17th's In The Flesh Reading Series and my July 19th presentation at TES about spanking erotica. Oh, and we're shooting the book trailer this Sunday, to (hopefully) debut mid-next week. I'm keeping busy and keeping my fingers crossed.

If you have read my work at all, you probably know that I am a big fan of the Q&A. I just can't seem to stop, and I have up the first contributor interview from Spanked: Red-Cheeked Erotica, which also has it's own probably NSFW (but should SO be savored at home or wherever) blog. It's from Teresa Noelle Roberts, who wrote what's pretty much my favorite story in the book and one of my favorite erotica stories ever. Seriously, that's huge. It's called "Daddy's Girl" and there's an excerpt below the interview.

Your story "Daddy's Girl" is one of my favorite spanking stories ever, mainly because I never would've thought I'd be into that kind of story, but you told it so well, getting into the roleplay but also stepping back out of the roleplay. Is this your first Daddy/girl story? Were there any special considerations when dealing with the subject matter?

Wow! Thank you so much, Rachel! That’s quite a compliment, especially coming from you.

I’d call this my first successful Daddy/girl story; I have one abortive attempt languishing in my files. I chose the Daddy/girl relationship because I like to try to understand other people’s kinks and erotic fascinations, and to challenge my own writing comfort zone. (I wrote a story for Rubber Sex for much the same reason and it was a great experience.) At the time I was writing the story, I’d gotten to know a few people online who enjoyed Daddy/girl roleplay or were in more or less full-time Daddy/girl relationships and I was endeavoring to get inside their emotional worlds a bit. I don’t want to claim any kind of universality for the motives in this story, by the way, but they work for these characters!

Daddy/girl, and ageplay in general, is tricky territory to write about because it can be uncomfortable for people who aren’t involved with it, can conjure up horrible thoughts of child abuse even though it’s between consenting non-related adults. The challenge of this story was keeping a little dangerous edge—the sense that they’re playing with taboos—while making it clear that we’re talking about two grown-ups in love enjoying an edgy, but tender game.

Read the whole interview

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