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Monday, April 23, 2007

"Show love by any means necessary."

I think when I blog or write about the tough things, the ones that are just too painful to do anything else but purge, I forget about them a little bit. I reread them and feel instantly older, a tiny bit wiser, because I'm not there anymore, I'm out of that pit and maybe in another one, but thankfully, not that one. I adore Shawn Colvin, who I really discovered through Mary Lou Lord, and "New Thing Now" is about Courtney Love, but as I wrote in a post last year that's too circular to even bother linking to, this song reminds me, in many ways, of the fall of 2006. And I just don't want to repeat those mistakes, in my choices of who I spend time with, or in myself. I don't want people like that in my life or even circulating around it, near it. They're toxic, and there's nothing pretty about it.

So amidst all the poor me of that post, my eyes skip ahead to something happy, something shiny and pretty and good. Something sparkly and hopeful and so very me.

My New Year's resolution that I sent to SMITH, which I'm not really sure that I've kept:

"Show love by any means necessary."

And that's what I have to do. To myself and my friends and the people I care about. Forgetting to do that, getting sucked into the negativity and pointlessness, still trying to assign blame and rewrite history...all pointless. All I can do is chalk it up to a learning experience and move along and figure out what to do differently. Five months too late, perhaps, but better late than never.



At April 23, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said! It can be so hard to let go of the negativity, especially when we've been hurt by someone or some situation. But in the end it is heavier and harder to carry around a grudge than to just let it go and focus on the good things. Good luck! Plus this is the 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love so maybe More Love should be the watchword of the summer!


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