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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Friend gratitude

I may not blog my gratitude every day, but it's there. For reals. Not only my friends but readers and other people, some of whom I know to varying degrees, have come out of the woodwork to show their support, and that means the world to me. Believe me, I'll be fine. It'll smart for a while but then, like with any breakup, I'll feel better. I'll find a new suitor who's even richer, sexier, and who makes way better arm candy (and does not smear ink all over my fingers). Maybe even one I can cyberfuck.

One of the people who's just been making me laugh and delighting me generally since we met is the man of many blogs, Mr. Brett Jackson.

I love Brett because he writes things like "Self destructive tendencies make for world class parties" and advises me on who's "breeding stock" and who's not, can manage to give spot-on advice, especially from the guy perspective, while also being very witty and clever (the latter of which is probably redundant, but whatever) and I never get the sense that he thinks I'm ridiculous. I mean, he may find me entertaining but on a very basic level, he just gets my often convoluted thought processes and is an excellent partner in crime. Add to the mix Emily and Courtney and I feel like we could take over the world. Or at least, New York City.

I have thus far broken 2 of my 3 unofficial resolutions, though I still reserve the right to make more. Perhaps this weekend I will be tempted into the dark side and get crazy drunk, just for the fun of it. I'm not anti-drinking for myself, just anti-drinking when I have the potential to truly damage my friendships and relationships, not to mention my liver. But surrounded by my favoritest people (who I know really could care less whether I'm buzzed or not, which does make a difference), I think I'll be okay.

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