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Wednesday, September 02, 2009

My Daily Beast piece about Cake Wrecks

Went up today! I wrote a profile of Cake Wrecks founder/blogger Jen Yates and got art for a pretty wacky photo gallery, if I do say so myself. Divorce cake? Baby mama cake, anyone? Please check it out and pass it on to someone who could use a smile. And if you're so inclined as to comment, that would rock too. I am shameless enough to confess on this little non-blog here that I would like it to crack the top 5 most popular stories, in part because I'm just competitive like that, and in part because I want The Daily Beast editors to keep assigning me stuff. And because Cake Wrecks rocks (see my piece for some details about the upcoming book tour).

Here's the handy Daily Beast link again.

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