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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Yes, I play Ms. Pacman

Full recap sometime later this week after I get home (have had a blast but have so much work it makes me want to cry when I return). Caught Gregg Araki's new film Smiley Face and wouldn't you know, there's a fabulous scene where the stoner chick, Jane, played by Anna Farris, stuffs her face with cupcakes! Hot. A bit more about the film and the trailer here.

Photos TK. Also been doing some cupcake journalism in addition to wandering around with 2 dozen gorgeous cupcakes that one of our readers very kindly whipped up yesterday. Austin folks are so nice! Plus the atmosphere here has just been so festive. Our panel went really well, imnsho, and was also a relief to be done with it. Got to meet all kinds of cool people, like Emira and Lauren who used to run Soapboxgirls, which I cringe when I think about my poor writing skills back in the day, but it's all part of the process. And Amelia G of Blue Blood and other folks who I look forward to looking up when I get home.

You should read Jason Toney's very interesting take on my panel. He brings up a lot of issues about race and sexuality and gender as it relates to the topics we discussed, and I have to say, we left out a lot. I also know there's a lot of great date blogging going on that I'm not totally aware of and I also think there is a huge difference between being paid to write about dating and not, because in the former you are under the pressure to kindof pimp out your social/sexual life for cash. I don't mean that to sound so crass, but it's a tricky line. It's why I'm somewhat relieved to be relieved of my Voice duties. Not in the manner in which it was done, but because for someone who is actually pretty much over all the things I did in my twenties and is looking for a single, serious, mature relationship, that's not as exciting when it comes to writing as other dating patterns might be. I worked around that by writing about things a little less close to home, but my point is, there is a difference. And I welcome more serious, thoughtful feedback of the kind Jason's giving. And guy dating bloggers, I would love to read more of those. I was really interested in the idea behind Girlfriend 07 and I think the idea Cory brought up about guys not having as much free public space to "be guys" (not his words, but mine) is very true. So thank you, Jason, for coming to the panel and I hope provoking some discussion about the topics discussed there.

For now, here's a video of me playing Ms. Pacman Friday night, courtesy of the very kind Dave Coustan.

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