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Thursday, June 07, 2007

I heart Knocked Up

In lieu of a real post (I'm not much for replying to emails/phone calls/anything these days, so blogging is taking a backseat too), I'll offer up just a sliver of the umpteen articles about Knocked Up. I loved the movie and will hopefully have a chance to elaborate on why I think it's so not an antifeminist flick, as Marie Claire and others would have it, but now's not that time. I will say that next year at SXSW I am so gonna be hitting up the movies. As soon as I saw the poster for this, without knowing a thing about it, I wanted to see it cause, well, duh, I'm desperate to get knocked up. Okay, maybe not desperate. Very eager. But I'm actually being rational about it and sex/dating are but a distant memory, like alcohol, though flirting is still okay (though the married guy flirting thing is so so so freaking old). I am focusing on actual practical things like getting my life together, and looking forward to the fall. I think I just scheduled my first reading as a 32-year-old, for November 14th. Crazy, but it actually gives me something to look forward to. Hopefully getting back to Crossfit (next week I think we're starting on a 5X/week schedule) will improve my mood and my productivity.

"Didn't like 'Knocked Up'? Screw You." Jezebel

"Knocked Up is a Knock Out - Unless You're a Girly Girl Like Me...." by Deborah Siegel, Huffington Post

"Pop Culture? What's That" by Izzy Greenspan, Jewcy

"Not exactly the well-funded version of 'Silent Scream'" by Amanda Marcotte, Pandagon

"Is That My Baby On The Screen?" by Rebecca Eckler, Mcleans

(I will say that I did, but of course, read Knocked Up and while she may well have a case, the tone and outlook and, well, everything but the title and drunkenness seem vastly, vastly different to me. I love the gonna-be-a-mama books but this one seemed forced. The word "hip" is, after all, in the title (and not in a Hip Mama kind of way). I'm much more of an Operating Instructions kind of girl. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out, both in terms of the lawsuit and Eckler's book sales.)

And probably the worst commentary I've read on the film, which does seem to indicate its author has either not seen the film or missed very key moments:

"Knocked Up or Knocked Down?" by Patt Morrison, Huffington Post


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