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Friday, September 08, 2006


a final New York meal
Originally uploaded by rkb1.
It's been a very long week in RKB land, with bridge walking and early rising and trying to get words to work. I just put up a bunch of photos from various events and trips from this summer. Also realized that my trip to Istanbul was a whole year ago (and very coolly got an email from a reader there). So the only coherent thing I can say is TGIF. Much more to be done, but one thing at a time. Tonight I get to babysit and then go wish Claudia a happy birthday.

Here's a shot from my mom's last night in New York before heading off to her new home. Me, her . . . and my bag, of course. That's the next step in the makeover process, to de-bag me.

Also, yay that GirlyNYC is back. Missed her muchly.


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