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Lusty Lady

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Monday, July 03, 2006

Guanabana, airport, etc.

I'm at the airport with funnylady Claudia Cogan (when I offered her the uneaten part of my muffin this morning, she was like "Are you giving me the muffin ass?") using the free wireless when not snacking on chocolate-covered passion fruit. We just discovered a treasure trove of fast food that we're about to explore. I'm excited to get home though could've used a few more days in the sun - the heat was so different from back home, not sticky and muggy, even though it was humid, it was just hot and beautiful. Today I ran around taking a ton of photos that I will post soon. That's about it, still recovering from last night and trying to get back into the many documents I have open, I got ideas for a bunch of smutty stories while I was away but want to bang them out so I can work on some other stuff that's more pressing.

I may even hit up another beach this summer, if only to wear my bathing suit again - normally I wind up going in the water about once a summer. So all will be well once I stop my perennial bad habits and start focusing a little bit more. One day at a time and all of that. The problem for me is not so much coming up with ideas as executing them and not quitting in frustration. For now, I just want to get home and sleep in my own bed/couch and surroundings but I had a fabulous time and was truly honored to share the weekend with everyone.

An aside - we had this fruit juice made from guanabana - it was SO good (see also Wikipedia and Flickr). The juice was white and totally sweet naturally - a lovely way to start our day, along with a bunch of other fruits, including "the fruit of love," these little round orange things. Plus fresh omelets and fish every day - I had some awesome tuna - delicious! So yes, a few days of hot sun, swimming, a big, comfy bed, and my friends was quite refreshing and will hopefully help me get through the summer. The only thing that could've been better were if the boy were there with me, though to be honest, I probably would not have been as social if I was wanting to pounce on him all the time. I'll save that for my Cali trip!


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