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Friday, May 19, 2006

My Josh Kilmer-Purcell interview in Page Six!

Okay, I half-jokingly say that my goal in life is to be mentioned on Page Six - well, it's half-complete. My interview with Josh Kilmer-Purcell, where he says "I could've owned Page Six," IS AN ITEM TODAY IN PAGE SIX!!! What was I just saying about writing for free? No money, but still worth it when people give great interviews like that! But I have a feeling it's a sign of good things to come. Okay, really off to BEA now!

Update: Josh Kilmer-Purcell blogged about it and posted an image from the actual paper.

May 19, 2006 -- MEMOIRIST Josh Kilmer-Purcell says he resisted the temptation to weigh in on the James Frey scandal when it was burning white-hot - and has little regard for writers who attacked the "A Million Little Pieces" fabulist at the time. Kilmer-Purcell - an ad agency exec who writes about his debauched drag-queen past in "I Am Not Myself These Days" - says he's glad he never lectured his friend Frey in print. "I could've owned Page Six," Kilmer-Purcell tells gay Web site "Hell, I could have finally gotten a New York Times op-ed piece published - but I didn't. While I may be a publicity hound, I'm not a whore. I'd never chide another writer. As far as I'm concerned, any author can write any damn thing s/he feels like. I thought Mary Karr was a sanctimonious bitch for writing the New York Times op-ed piece that she did. A writer shouldn't impose their regimen on other writers. If the bitch ever preaches to me, I'll cut her," he concludes.


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