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Lusty Lady

Watch my first and favorite book trailer for Spanked: Red-Cheeked Erotica. Get Spanked in print and ebook

Monday, November 28, 2005


I don't know if I've ever been this enthused about writing a Village Voice column, or writing anything, at least, in recent memory. I'm sure I have or I'd never have made it this far, but it's just this huge, beautiful adrenaline rush. I can't even remember the last time I got so swept away with the sheer act of writing, thinking, collecting, interviewing. I feel like I may have hit on a topic for a book proposal. It's so big and juicy and fascinating, and what's funny is that it's not even something stemming from my own life. But I'm talking to some of the smartest, sexiest, most fascinating women I know, I mean, whipsmart, brilliant, amazing thinkers, performers, about these daring, sometimes shocking ideas, and it all makes sense. And then I have to wrap it up into a tidy 1100 word package and that makes me sad and tests my word whittling skills to the limit. But it feels so good to fall in love with writing again, to not have it be any kind of chore but a blessing, a gift, a delight, a thrill. To know that maybe I'll piss some people off and shock others but at the core I'm talking about truths, the kind of sexual truths that so often stay hidden. That makes me feel so fucking alive it's not even funny.

Unrelated but worth reading: Barely Legal Blog - no, it's not what you think, it's actually a law student blog. I just found out about it and it looks pretty cool.

Stay tuned for next week's column. To be totally immodest for a second, it's gonna be fucking awesome.


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