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Monday, August 29, 2005

a very Malice entry

word of the day: hubris (which I did learn in high school)

hu·bris     P   Pronunciation Key  (hybrs) also hy·bris (h-)
Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance: “There is no safety in unlimited technological hubris” (McGeorge Bundy).

and it's inspired by site #1 of the day: Michael Malice, who I've come to know and, if not love, continue to be fascinated by

also, he and everyone and their (ha!) sisters has been linking to a blog that I feel shouldn't amuse me yet does: Tale of Two Sisters, the Stephanie Klein parody blog.

Interesting - Klein's literary agency, which scored her the infamous $500,000 2-book deal with Judith Regan, also represented Jennifer van der Kwaast's novel Pounding the Pavement and this book:

Robyn Harding's first novel THE JOURNAL OF MORTIFYING MOMENTS, about a young woman living two lives--independent and successful in her advertising career, an insecure wreck with her boyfriend--who writes down her worst moments with men over the years to see where she is going wrong, with those "moments" serving as a structure for the book, as she strives to reconcile the two sides of her persona, to Linda Marrow at Ballantine, in a good deal, for two books, by Joe Veltre (North American).

Also: Mediabistro on pitching Arists Literary Group


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